The story of Gui had its roots in a trip to Alleppy. It’s like Gui, you don’t know Gui? That was all I heard all through the trip. I had my own definition to Gui, which is why everyone started the Gui thing in the first place.
Gui is a feeling, the feeling of warmth when you are cold, the Goosebumps and the back tickle and you twitch because you are cold and there is a shiver in your spine.
Gui is how you feel when you are blushing or gushing or are just awed in an afterglow.
Gui is nice and slow and soft. It is all cozy and snuggly, gui is just amazing when felt. Even your brain like the tips of your fingers can feel the gui. Gui is after all, a state of being.
Gui is like a wave sweeping over and trees swishing in loud whispers, like leaves tickling the insides of your palms, gui is everything beautiful, Gui is the way to be!
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