Friday, July 8, 2011

What dies early?

Youth: It just slips past the fingers like grains of sand dust, swept away in the breeze…

Love: It grows and gushes and gnaws at such an erratic speed when it begins, the end is just inconceivable and it dies out in a rush of blank spaces before you know you have been hit and then run over brutally.

Romance: After all, romance is a fictional, whimsical representation of love…

Money: When it comes, it comes smelly and dirty and messes up your hands, when it goes it leaves behind the bitter, rancid stench of its trail, alive and etched in your memory, unwilling to fade.

Innocence: This one is a killer, even before you have the full pleasure of being in the blissful state of innocence, its brutally snatched away and replaced with the reality of understanding the truth, the obvious vicious world that is waiting to strike and kill the unarmed, unwilling innocence, dragging it into a bloody fight and not giving it a full chance.

Truth: It fades out in a flicker of reality as it succumbs to the eternal fire of lies and conceit, blended n with the deceitful charming ways of untruths.

Its honour, courage, virtue and principle that lasts. They stay on and if adopted and adapted grow on to strengthen the otherwise weak bonds of life, stitching in purpose and will.

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