Thursday, November 26, 2009
The World from Behind my Orange Tinted Glasses!
Imagine twilight at all times in the day, the whole world bathed in an orange glow, like someone drew up a sunshade over the earth. The sky always bathed in a beautiful glow. Well, that's how it is for me, the world from behind my sun glasses.
The New Indian Express: Slightly Extremist
The Hindu: Socialist
The Times of India: Sensationalist
The Hindu: Socialist
The Times of India: Sensationalist
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
hark! Infidel!
A couple of days ago I met yet another third rate two timing bas****. I told him that and also that i thought his wife was no good because she married him in the first place. I was as rude as I could get and my tongue was so sharp and lashing throughout and in retrospect, I know I wasted my words and thought on another infidel.
The man in question fell in love with his wife when she was sixteen and a decade later, married her. Seven years into wedlock with a son to add to the equation, he had the audacity to sit with his drink and coolly state that his wife could not give him everything, so he went to other women for excitement. “I love my wife, but she can’t give me what I want, I want girlfriends, because they wear short dresses, rub me around and dirty dance with me and they are not shy, ”he said, I knew I wasted my vehemence.
“She’s been gymming for years but she can never have a waist like yours,” was the next statement, it was getting beyond tolerance levels. I had met so many like him through my years in the industry and I had been approached in even worse ways. However, to know that this someone was not a client or a business associate and was a friend of a friend was putting off. I mean what is with this world and infidelity.
I wrote up something for a newsletter called The Write Angle about infidelity and here it is:
The flowers, candlelit dinners, vacations, surprise presents and wooing is all passé, what a woman has to expect today and be extremely content with if her expectations are met, is fidelity from her man. Straying men and women have always existed and affairs are no longer ‘eyebrow rising’ factors in India. The number of people who are in serious relationships and marriages still look for the occasional or ever so frequent fling.
The office and work atmosphere affairs are ever so common and indulgence is easy. “We find condoms in our trash every other day and they come in from different sections of the office, the office is open round the clock and management cannot be keeping tabs and put more than the necessary number of security guards on the job.”, says Radha Srikanth, an HR manager in a reputed BPO.
“I love my wife, but she cannot give me everything I want, so I look for it outside and I find girlfriends easily enough. My wife does not have a clue and I make sure I do everything right to not let her know.” says Viji, a businessperson in the city.
Most men in serious relationships expect their wives and girlfriends’ to be the epitome of fidelity and even state proudly that they are men and are allowed to stray whereas my woman belongs only to me. “I will kill her if she as much thinks of another man,” says the straying Viji when asked how he would react if the circumstances were to be reversed.
Prostitution gives men who do not have the time for affairs the vent to their straying nature. “Sex is different, sleeping with someone other than my wife is entertainment for me and as long as I love my wife, I don’t see taking on paid services from a sex worker for a one night stand as a problem,” says Manjunath, a travels owner.
Fidelity in marriage is becoming questionable as both the sexes look for opportunities to stray. The stress of work, the need for excitement or just an immediate gratification of desire could be the cause of the increasing number of people looking for a fling outside their relationships.
There are people who do not buy into the idea although they are surrounded by infidels and cuckolds. “As long as you feel you are hurting someone, you should not. The definition of infidelity is not just a physical manifesto,” says Vishwas Kulkarni, Project Manager, OFSS.
“When love becomes labored we welcome an act of infidelity towards ourselves to free us from fidelity,” said the French author François de la Rochefoucauld.
Fidelity and infidelity are now grey areas and people have varying perspectives of acceptance and non-acceptance.
I have a lot more to say about this but I shall refrain for lack of patience with the topic and time…
The man in question fell in love with his wife when she was sixteen and a decade later, married her. Seven years into wedlock with a son to add to the equation, he had the audacity to sit with his drink and coolly state that his wife could not give him everything, so he went to other women for excitement. “I love my wife, but she can’t give me what I want, I want girlfriends, because they wear short dresses, rub me around and dirty dance with me and they are not shy, ”he said, I knew I wasted my vehemence.
“She’s been gymming for years but she can never have a waist like yours,” was the next statement, it was getting beyond tolerance levels. I had met so many like him through my years in the industry and I had been approached in even worse ways. However, to know that this someone was not a client or a business associate and was a friend of a friend was putting off. I mean what is with this world and infidelity.
I wrote up something for a newsletter called The Write Angle about infidelity and here it is:
The flowers, candlelit dinners, vacations, surprise presents and wooing is all passé, what a woman has to expect today and be extremely content with if her expectations are met, is fidelity from her man. Straying men and women have always existed and affairs are no longer ‘eyebrow rising’ factors in India. The number of people who are in serious relationships and marriages still look for the occasional or ever so frequent fling.
The office and work atmosphere affairs are ever so common and indulgence is easy. “We find condoms in our trash every other day and they come in from different sections of the office, the office is open round the clock and management cannot be keeping tabs and put more than the necessary number of security guards on the job.”, says Radha Srikanth, an HR manager in a reputed BPO.
“I love my wife, but she cannot give me everything I want, so I look for it outside and I find girlfriends easily enough. My wife does not have a clue and I make sure I do everything right to not let her know.” says Viji, a businessperson in the city.
Most men in serious relationships expect their wives and girlfriends’ to be the epitome of fidelity and even state proudly that they are men and are allowed to stray whereas my woman belongs only to me. “I will kill her if she as much thinks of another man,” says the straying Viji when asked how he would react if the circumstances were to be reversed.
Prostitution gives men who do not have the time for affairs the vent to their straying nature. “Sex is different, sleeping with someone other than my wife is entertainment for me and as long as I love my wife, I don’t see taking on paid services from a sex worker for a one night stand as a problem,” says Manjunath, a travels owner.
Fidelity in marriage is becoming questionable as both the sexes look for opportunities to stray. The stress of work, the need for excitement or just an immediate gratification of desire could be the cause of the increasing number of people looking for a fling outside their relationships.
There are people who do not buy into the idea although they are surrounded by infidels and cuckolds. “As long as you feel you are hurting someone, you should not. The definition of infidelity is not just a physical manifesto,” says Vishwas Kulkarni, Project Manager, OFSS.
“When love becomes labored we welcome an act of infidelity towards ourselves to free us from fidelity,” said the French author François de la Rochefoucauld.
Fidelity and infidelity are now grey areas and people have varying perspectives of acceptance and non-acceptance.
I have a lot more to say about this but I shall refrain for lack of patience with the topic and time…
The Naxalite Idea of an Idea
The complete truth of an idea lies in the thought behind the idea. I read a very interesting blog about a set of people who conform to the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist theories. The blog is sinister and revealing. There are elements of the third perspective very clearly prevalent in the pages.
Oscar Wilde’s quote, ‘An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all”, features in the blog.
Interesting, the way they talk about ideas and the idea itself versus the upholder of the idea. A strange train of thought, supremely insightful, yet profound.
Is violent protest and talking of lives an answer to problems in our country and no matter what the cause, its the means that define the end.
Oscar Wilde’s quote, ‘An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all”, features in the blog.
Interesting, the way they talk about ideas and the idea itself versus the upholder of the idea. A strange train of thought, supremely insightful, yet profound.
Is violent protest and talking of lives an answer to problems in our country and no matter what the cause, its the means that define the end.
The idea of Nirvana and an escape from the eternal cycle of rebirth has fascinated cultures and generations of people across the globe.
The minute you say Nirvana and take the path of a pilgrim in the quest of nirvana, is it not a slanderous, unfaithful way to treat the life you are currently living? Is life a separate entity from God or the supreme power? Can life be God in itself or are they separate and individual.
If Mother Nature gave rise to civilizations and the big bang theory is indeed the way life sprang up, then God would be the life Gaea gave to life forms. The soul of the earth would then possess the power of the Supreme Being.
If nirvana were reversed and life were revered and the religion of God preached that all man, animal and plant survive and blossom and find heaven and earth in every life, now and after, it would be a new angle emerging.
The minute you say Nirvana and take the path of a pilgrim in the quest of nirvana, is it not a slanderous, unfaithful way to treat the life you are currently living? Is life a separate entity from God or the supreme power? Can life be God in itself or are they separate and individual.
If Mother Nature gave rise to civilizations and the big bang theory is indeed the way life sprang up, then God would be the life Gaea gave to life forms. The soul of the earth would then possess the power of the Supreme Being.
If nirvana were reversed and life were revered and the religion of God preached that all man, animal and plant survive and blossom and find heaven and earth in every life, now and after, it would be a new angle emerging.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Vertical vs Horizontal
The idea of vertical versus horizontal. I shall explain that in a bit. The iced tea conversation turned into a tequila monologue of sorts. We sat there talking about men and women and how there is an 8:1 ratio of single men to single women. He had written this brilliant piece with vectors and triangles and we spoke about the cornerstones of the triangle.
Su and I go a long way back, the best of friends, through BMS and Joseph’s, through Prague and school and work, to films and full night conversations, we lived it all. I was the cul sec for Joseph’s then and Su was working for Utsav, the BMSCE cultural festival. Well, we thought we had registered and then realized calling in with confirmation was not registration. I was fuming, my teams had put in hours of practice and Joseph’s teams had an Utsav history, we always won.
It was a communication gap, which led to my hyperventilating over the phone to one of the coordinators, this boy found it impossible to deal with me. He conveniently passed on an enraged me into the hands of poor unsuspecting Su. It started then I messaged back to apologize for having lost my temper and he actually let us participate.
Su sounded great on the phone and I was looking forward to meeting him after a weeklong conversation over texts and calls. I was stunned to see a little boy in a wine coloured Kurta with a beard meet me, I had my glasses on so I am sure both of us were stunned by each other’s appearances. Su is one of mum’s favourites and my aunt seems to have a soft corner for him too. His disappointment lies in the fact that all mothers like him and it ends there, the daughters apparently are not so interested. Well, we just grew from there and are now the best of friends although there are times when we do not see eye to eye and he teases me for being so self involved. All in good spirits.
Coming back to the conversation today, it was Su and iced tea at Casablanka and it was his piece of nonfiction I was reading. We spoke about how height had become a huge impact factor for women here in India as they did not have a keen interest in boys slightly shorter than themselves. Su might disagree and say they do not have an interest at all, but that’s that. So, height racism as I want to call it, for lack of a better word, is something that plays a huge role in categorizing a suitable male for the average Indian woman.
Su says it is only in India the women have this notion that the men have to be taller than they are. Well, maybe so. He also says the women have a mind block and they associate more to the height of a man than it appears, well I’ll just try illustrating it:

He says hypothetically length or height of figure need not necessarily be related to figure b. ;) Therefore, the joke, the vertical versus the horizontal relation.
Here is the piece of art that Su boy wrote that led to the whole thought:
Su and I go a long way back, the best of friends, through BMS and Joseph’s, through Prague and school and work, to films and full night conversations, we lived it all. I was the cul sec for Joseph’s then and Su was working for Utsav, the BMSCE cultural festival. Well, we thought we had registered and then realized calling in with confirmation was not registration. I was fuming, my teams had put in hours of practice and Joseph’s teams had an Utsav history, we always won.
It was a communication gap, which led to my hyperventilating over the phone to one of the coordinators, this boy found it impossible to deal with me. He conveniently passed on an enraged me into the hands of poor unsuspecting Su. It started then I messaged back to apologize for having lost my temper and he actually let us participate.
Su sounded great on the phone and I was looking forward to meeting him after a weeklong conversation over texts and calls. I was stunned to see a little boy in a wine coloured Kurta with a beard meet me, I had my glasses on so I am sure both of us were stunned by each other’s appearances. Su is one of mum’s favourites and my aunt seems to have a soft corner for him too. His disappointment lies in the fact that all mothers like him and it ends there, the daughters apparently are not so interested. Well, we just grew from there and are now the best of friends although there are times when we do not see eye to eye and he teases me for being so self involved. All in good spirits.
Coming back to the conversation today, it was Su and iced tea at Casablanka and it was his piece of nonfiction I was reading. We spoke about how height had become a huge impact factor for women here in India as they did not have a keen interest in boys slightly shorter than themselves. Su might disagree and say they do not have an interest at all, but that’s that. So, height racism as I want to call it, for lack of a better word, is something that plays a huge role in categorizing a suitable male for the average Indian woman.
Su says it is only in India the women have this notion that the men have to be taller than they are. Well, maybe so. He also says the women have a mind block and they associate more to the height of a man than it appears, well I’ll just try illustrating it:

He says hypothetically length or height of figure need not necessarily be related to figure b. ;) Therefore, the joke, the vertical versus the horizontal relation.
Here is the piece of art that Su boy wrote that led to the whole thought:
S tar ry
I love newly tarred roads, they sparkle and shine as the silica shimmers on, every step is like a million reflections strewn over, the feeling is just amazing. Levelled tarred roads, the sound of your footsteps that dance in rhythm to the winds and the stars that twinkle down benevolently, the best feeling ever.
Walls of Society
Oppressive walls of society, makes me laugh. Are the walls they have built shields or are they forts from where the attacks are launched? Living on the margins of society, reminds me of the three witches in Macbeth, ostracized and living in a world, they were not accepted in.
Is madness a reason, being rebellious and eccentric another? To not conform to the ideals of discipline laid out and to be a free spirit living on terms and rules created by the self an aberration that levies a heavy price. Of not being accepted and having to be stereotyped and pushed away into the margins of society and social living.
Everyone has idiosyncrasies and traits of eccentric behavior and the imbalance results when the extremes are tackled and boundaries are pushed. Is it right to cast away the vagabond explorers of the mind and soul as people improper and not in keeping with a society created in a framework set by another person. Everything is manmade, even religion and governments, how does society become an exception?
Is madness a reason, being rebellious and eccentric another? To not conform to the ideals of discipline laid out and to be a free spirit living on terms and rules created by the self an aberration that levies a heavy price. Of not being accepted and having to be stereotyped and pushed away into the margins of society and social living.
Everyone has idiosyncrasies and traits of eccentric behavior and the imbalance results when the extremes are tackled and boundaries are pushed. Is it right to cast away the vagabond explorers of the mind and soul as people improper and not in keeping with a society created in a framework set by another person. Everything is manmade, even religion and governments, how does society become an exception?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Of Crushes and Heartaches
I was reflecting on a price of writing I had just analyzed, it had a particular question that irked me, triggered a memory that was not so comfortable. When I was young, I never had any crushes like all the girls, I grew up a perfect tomboy and I was just not interested in any of the boys that claimed that I was the love of their lives.
As I grew older, I thought I was slightly abnormal that my hormones did not trigger off any heart melting feelings or mush, but I thought it was cool and most of the girls seemed silly anyway, so I appeared cold hearted and I like it that way.
By the time I was in college, I thought I was asexual, without any sexual preferences. This was probably to do with the way I was brought up and the fact that I spent all the time I had with boys, biking, climbing trees, looking at fast cars, listening to the boys talking about their lovelorn lives. This could also have been a result of some history I had which did not gel well with my composure and self-image. So, I just let it be.
However, to say that I never had a crush would be slander. I did have them, but until a lot later, I never realized it was a crush. A crush or a soft corner in the folds of my heart that seemed wrapped in cold, scaly rough folds. Boys look at everything differently and in retrospect, I never really understood the way I felt because I was stuck. I was a growing girl growing up with boys all around me and I never had a proper girlfriend to talk to until I was eighteen.
I then met Literature, I learnt the difference, and I understood the nuances, ever so slight of love and fluttering eyelashes and heartbeats. I fell in love with the books, the romance and drama of Shakespeare, the magic realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Post Modernist Poetry, Neruda, TS Eliot, Robert Frost, Donne, Metarealism of Russian poets, Milan Kundera, Khalil Gibran, O Henry, Amrita Pritam, Kamala Das, EM Foster, Hemmingway, Cronin… The list was endless and the library brimming as I sifted through the shelves of literature discovering the fairy tale heroes and devouring their stories.
I was spinning out of control in worlds that the books created for me and I was falling in love with the characters and my professors who taught me to enjoy my Macbeth and the three witches as much as I reflected on lesbian writing. I finally understood and reflected on my past. Here is what I discovered.
“Someday you'll find a man, a good man, and you'll love him, and marry him, and live and die for him. And I'll be hanged if I stand by and watch.”
I was eleven when I first read little women and I was in love with Laurie from the time he met Jo, I was Jo, I lived every word of the book and I was heartbroken when Jo refused him and sent him away so cruelly, he was the first to have captured so much of my attention.
Little did I know the lack of interest in real men stemmed from this, the fact that I had every single kind of man I wanted and needed I had with me, and the fact that they were unreal never seemed to bother me. That probably explains the lack of crushes. Even now, Hugh Jackman and a few others just manage to capture an ounce of my attention, but it stops there yet again. My crushes live in the pages I read. They are more alive and real than the real ones.
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
That was Rhett Butler, one of the most impacting characters in my life, he came alive from the pages of Gone with the Wind and captured my heart when I was just thirteen.
Falling head over heels in love then was easy when it was a fictitious hero and that’s exactly what I did, fell like nine pins for him and his extremely magnetic personality, a maverick with courage strength and what not. The book just made my life so different. As I think of what this book did to me, I get Goosebumps. But all this was a long time ago.
Now, I am so madly in love and this time its for real, its not a fairy tale hero or a character from a book. I know what love is because today it goes beyond everything I ever felt. I am marrying the one man I actually in reality fell for, a real blood and flesh man, who is the best thing to have ever happened and the romance in my life is so much more enriching than any classic, drama or epic. He is all the Laurie’s and Rhett Butlers of the world rolled into one, beyond my understanding of love as it is.
As I grew older, I thought I was slightly abnormal that my hormones did not trigger off any heart melting feelings or mush, but I thought it was cool and most of the girls seemed silly anyway, so I appeared cold hearted and I like it that way.
By the time I was in college, I thought I was asexual, without any sexual preferences. This was probably to do with the way I was brought up and the fact that I spent all the time I had with boys, biking, climbing trees, looking at fast cars, listening to the boys talking about their lovelorn lives. This could also have been a result of some history I had which did not gel well with my composure and self-image. So, I just let it be.
However, to say that I never had a crush would be slander. I did have them, but until a lot later, I never realized it was a crush. A crush or a soft corner in the folds of my heart that seemed wrapped in cold, scaly rough folds. Boys look at everything differently and in retrospect, I never really understood the way I felt because I was stuck. I was a growing girl growing up with boys all around me and I never had a proper girlfriend to talk to until I was eighteen.
I then met Literature, I learnt the difference, and I understood the nuances, ever so slight of love and fluttering eyelashes and heartbeats. I fell in love with the books, the romance and drama of Shakespeare, the magic realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Post Modernist Poetry, Neruda, TS Eliot, Robert Frost, Donne, Metarealism of Russian poets, Milan Kundera, Khalil Gibran, O Henry, Amrita Pritam, Kamala Das, EM Foster, Hemmingway, Cronin… The list was endless and the library brimming as I sifted through the shelves of literature discovering the fairy tale heroes and devouring their stories.
I was spinning out of control in worlds that the books created for me and I was falling in love with the characters and my professors who taught me to enjoy my Macbeth and the three witches as much as I reflected on lesbian writing. I finally understood and reflected on my past. Here is what I discovered.
“Someday you'll find a man, a good man, and you'll love him, and marry him, and live and die for him. And I'll be hanged if I stand by and watch.”
I was eleven when I first read little women and I was in love with Laurie from the time he met Jo, I was Jo, I lived every word of the book and I was heartbroken when Jo refused him and sent him away so cruelly, he was the first to have captured so much of my attention.
Little did I know the lack of interest in real men stemmed from this, the fact that I had every single kind of man I wanted and needed I had with me, and the fact that they were unreal never seemed to bother me. That probably explains the lack of crushes. Even now, Hugh Jackman and a few others just manage to capture an ounce of my attention, but it stops there yet again. My crushes live in the pages I read. They are more alive and real than the real ones.
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
That was Rhett Butler, one of the most impacting characters in my life, he came alive from the pages of Gone with the Wind and captured my heart when I was just thirteen.
Falling head over heels in love then was easy when it was a fictitious hero and that’s exactly what I did, fell like nine pins for him and his extremely magnetic personality, a maverick with courage strength and what not. The book just made my life so different. As I think of what this book did to me, I get Goosebumps. But all this was a long time ago.
Now, I am so madly in love and this time its for real, its not a fairy tale hero or a character from a book. I know what love is because today it goes beyond everything I ever felt. I am marrying the one man I actually in reality fell for, a real blood and flesh man, who is the best thing to have ever happened and the romance in my life is so much more enriching than any classic, drama or epic. He is all the Laurie’s and Rhett Butlers of the world rolled into one, beyond my understanding of love as it is.
Absolute Self Possession
It is a bloody democracy a free world of thought action and expression. However, am I free to be me? Bull crap, which is what it is. Free to be me, the zany, lazy, eccentric, wandering fool if I want to be. Hmmm, I wonder if I can be so, just do only as I please without reflection on the impact of my actions on anyone or anything, dissociated from it all. It’s just a passing thought, if such an existence is even imaginable, let alone plausible, is it sacrilege to be self involved or self possessed or self centered, I don’t really know, I have met such people and frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
I would want that disjunction from it all, even for an experiment, the idea is truly enticing.
I would want that disjunction from it all, even for an experiment, the idea is truly enticing.
A bliss that is lasting, an afterglow of sorts
I am feeling so full of energy and zest today. Yoga is back in my life again and after just two classes I am feeling so perfectly at peace and my muscles and brain seem to be able to take so much more. Fresh and smiling.
Monday’s class was tiring and exhaustive, but today I am feeling used to it again, it has been almost five months since I have been regular to class. I did the rope sheershasan today and it is the best ever, the ropes tied together and climbing up the wall and the final inversion, I had forgotten the feeling, it is like rediscovering me.
The best part is now I have the time for it on the days I am in town at least.
Monday’s class was tiring and exhaustive, but today I am feeling used to it again, it has been almost five months since I have been regular to class. I did the rope sheershasan today and it is the best ever, the ropes tied together and climbing up the wall and the final inversion, I had forgotten the feeling, it is like rediscovering me.
The best part is now I have the time for it on the days I am in town at least.
The Year of the Hair
I am a mushroom head! Sandy told me this in Delhi the last time. I am wondering why all the hair talk is happening in my head. Oh yes, I looked in the mirror today and I told myself it was a nice hair day, I had shampooed and conditioned and since I have such a “bouncy volume of silky shining lustrous tresses” as a certain fan someone had called it, it looked nice.
Then, the image in the mirror frowned at me, my last haircut was a disaster and Prabhu boy was planning murder, he vowed to kill the hairdresser. This was after I had lost the long and flowing look to the super short reaching almost up to my ear look.
Hmmm, let me start at the beginning of the beginning. I had very long hair, extending to below my shoulder blades and this was at the beginning of this year. I went to Singapore on a vacation and I wanted a change like an entirely new look, the last time the urge happened, I got my nose pierced, this time I thought a haircut would satiate the desire.
I set out halfway into the duration of my trip to Kimage, one of the best salons there and walked in, I was excited and the anticipation made me shaky all over. It’s just a haircut woman, relax!!! Well, that is what I kept telling myself. The guy who was attending to me was very very cute, I don’t really know if it was because of the change he made to my persona or if he was in reality cute, but anyway…
I sat there flipping through a magazine as he washed and dried my hair and all that. The minute he took the scissors, I became all stiff and he kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to chop off the length entirely. I just nodded and told him he could create his masterpiece, but I am not sure he understood. He started and long strands of my hair started falling to the floor, at the end of almost an hour, he combed and set and blow dried my hair and flipped me around so I could see. Ecstatic, jumping and bouncing with glee I paid up 40 dollars and told him I’d come back from India if I needed another such makeover.
Still bouncing, I landed up home where my aunt was waiting, she was very apprehensive as this was being done on her permission alone and mom had no clue. I was feverish with excitement and we clicked pictures and went bonkers about it. She said she had never thought a haircut can give someone so much to be joyous about.
The next part was hard, breaking the news to mom. Phew! We got on skype and Pras started video chat with mom and I slowly slid into the frame, mom’s only reaction was, “Prasanna, I can’t believe you let her do this, her next reaction, well, never mind, all I’ll say is she finally managed to say that no one in India could maintain the look. That was the story of how I got it, now three haircuts later, I agree with her and I am hoping and wishing I will have my tresses back soon.
“My head looks like a mushroom in that picture thanks to my hair”, I said and Rags, very unsympathetically replied, “you didn’t know that, well it’s not just in the picture you know”. That is where it started, the narrative of this story.
So, here’s to not looking like a mushroom head anymore, and to hoping that by my Feb trip to Delhi, Sandy boy will have something nicer to say.
Then, the image in the mirror frowned at me, my last haircut was a disaster and Prabhu boy was planning murder, he vowed to kill the hairdresser. This was after I had lost the long and flowing look to the super short reaching almost up to my ear look.
Hmmm, let me start at the beginning of the beginning. I had very long hair, extending to below my shoulder blades and this was at the beginning of this year. I went to Singapore on a vacation and I wanted a change like an entirely new look, the last time the urge happened, I got my nose pierced, this time I thought a haircut would satiate the desire.
I set out halfway into the duration of my trip to Kimage, one of the best salons there and walked in, I was excited and the anticipation made me shaky all over. It’s just a haircut woman, relax!!! Well, that is what I kept telling myself. The guy who was attending to me was very very cute, I don’t really know if it was because of the change he made to my persona or if he was in reality cute, but anyway…
I sat there flipping through a magazine as he washed and dried my hair and all that. The minute he took the scissors, I became all stiff and he kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to chop off the length entirely. I just nodded and told him he could create his masterpiece, but I am not sure he understood. He started and long strands of my hair started falling to the floor, at the end of almost an hour, he combed and set and blow dried my hair and flipped me around so I could see. Ecstatic, jumping and bouncing with glee I paid up 40 dollars and told him I’d come back from India if I needed another such makeover.
Still bouncing, I landed up home where my aunt was waiting, she was very apprehensive as this was being done on her permission alone and mom had no clue. I was feverish with excitement and we clicked pictures and went bonkers about it. She said she had never thought a haircut can give someone so much to be joyous about.
The next part was hard, breaking the news to mom. Phew! We got on skype and Pras started video chat with mom and I slowly slid into the frame, mom’s only reaction was, “Prasanna, I can’t believe you let her do this, her next reaction, well, never mind, all I’ll say is she finally managed to say that no one in India could maintain the look. That was the story of how I got it, now three haircuts later, I agree with her and I am hoping and wishing I will have my tresses back soon.
“My head looks like a mushroom in that picture thanks to my hair”, I said and Rags, very unsympathetically replied, “you didn’t know that, well it’s not just in the picture you know”. That is where it started, the narrative of this story.
So, here’s to not looking like a mushroom head anymore, and to hoping that by my Feb trip to Delhi, Sandy boy will have something nicer to say.
City Bloxx, the death of me!
I sit crouched over the phone for hours and with my super sickening eye sight its not the most recommended thing. But I am addicted to the darned thing, not the messages or the calls, but City Bloxx the game on my phone.
You have a huge plot of land and you have to build your city by adding new buildings, as you build you grow in population and with that you get more posh and newer types of buildings. Goodness this will be the death of me, I am playing all the time glued to the tiny screen.
Avi, Varsha andb Bharat have vowed to delete it, but miraculously when they did try the only game on the phone that did not het erased was this.
An addiction that I am living with and I am putting the people around me though it as well. Well, I am playing now also. Sigh. Some things just cannot be helped. It was age of empires before, well this now!
You have a huge plot of land and you have to build your city by adding new buildings, as you build you grow in population and with that you get more posh and newer types of buildings. Goodness this will be the death of me, I am playing all the time glued to the tiny screen.
Avi, Varsha andb Bharat have vowed to delete it, but miraculously when they did try the only game on the phone that did not het erased was this.
An addiction that I am living with and I am putting the people around me though it as well. Well, I am playing now also. Sigh. Some things just cannot be helped. It was age of empires before, well this now!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Its flimsy and weak, but its tried and tested too. The last time i abstained it was for about a month. I did not indulge or divulge into the craving desire. I was so sure of my ability for control, I just swooshed through with flying colours, now i am not so sure. Its become an addiction of sorts, an unending saga. The eternal fight...
Alright alright, I am gonna give up eating outside food, at least I'm going to try, Real hard this time for sure.
Alright alright, I am gonna give up eating outside food, at least I'm going to try, Real hard this time for sure.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The lasts that last.
There are some memories that last for ever. The last few days have been full of them. What with the Prav and Som wedding happening with all the dance practices and the last day at work and four days of partying on a trot with college and other things interspersed in between, I have been living it up entirely.
The Prav Som wedding is the big thing of the year. This week is super packed with the dances for the Sangeet, Mehndi, Muhurtam, The Church Wedding, name it and they have it. Its beautiful to watch them so lost in their wedding world and in each other so oblivious of anything else. Watching them dance together is a treat to the eye. Its their dream wedding come true, just as they had wanted it and its such a feel good thing to share the joy.
The more fun parts are the dance bits and the anchoring bots that i am doing with Teddy finally! Both of us have been professionally Emeeing for around four years now and we are on stage together for the first time, the engagement I did not MC, thanks to office.
Then there was the last day at work, fruit beer at Noble House, loooong day wrapping up at work and a small pre halloween stunt at Athena followed by a late dinner at kentacky, of Dosa and chutney with Pavi, Nish and Prabhu boy in the car. Saturday was more fun, bout of illness, a big tiff, dance practice and the Halloween at Aira. Suneel, Pinks, Marie, Vikita, Assailor, Prabhu Boy and I. Marie was the Joker, him and his joker bites ;), he was trying to give the vampires a run for our money!!!
Sunday was normal, Shakespeare in the morning, dance again till late, Daily Bread and Casa for dinner. The moon was just brilliant.
I am currently busy cleaning up, my room, our house, my mind, everything. Looking forward to a nice lazy month despite the weddings and all the hungama. I have a long list of books waiting. Amy Tan right now, many mroe to follow along with a super list of films.
Books, weddings and films with a little bit of freelancing here and there, sounds like a good November.
The Prav Som wedding is the big thing of the year. This week is super packed with the dances for the Sangeet, Mehndi, Muhurtam, The Church Wedding, name it and they have it. Its beautiful to watch them so lost in their wedding world and in each other so oblivious of anything else. Watching them dance together is a treat to the eye. Its their dream wedding come true, just as they had wanted it and its such a feel good thing to share the joy.
The more fun parts are the dance bits and the anchoring bots that i am doing with Teddy finally! Both of us have been professionally Emeeing for around four years now and we are on stage together for the first time, the engagement I did not MC, thanks to office.
Then there was the last day at work, fruit beer at Noble House, loooong day wrapping up at work and a small pre halloween stunt at Athena followed by a late dinner at kentacky, of Dosa and chutney with Pavi, Nish and Prabhu boy in the car. Saturday was more fun, bout of illness, a big tiff, dance practice and the Halloween at Aira. Suneel, Pinks, Marie, Vikita, Assailor, Prabhu Boy and I. Marie was the Joker, him and his joker bites ;), he was trying to give the vampires a run for our money!!!
Sunday was normal, Shakespeare in the morning, dance again till late, Daily Bread and Casa for dinner. The moon was just brilliant.
I am currently busy cleaning up, my room, our house, my mind, everything. Looking forward to a nice lazy month despite the weddings and all the hungama. I have a long list of books waiting. Amy Tan right now, many mroe to follow along with a super list of films.
Books, weddings and films with a little bit of freelancing here and there, sounds like a good November.
Asymmetry doth disrupt my Harmony!
I have a huge problem with unplanned asymmetry. I do not like asymmetrical skirts and the like. Badly arranged furniture that do not conform to straight lines, asymmetrically drawn curtains, anything remotely lopsided can absolutely disrupt my harmony and leave me in a state of imbalance.
People around me who know my asymmetry problems are well aware of my disrupted state of harmony. ;)
People around me who know my asymmetry problems are well aware of my disrupted state of harmony. ;)
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